Welcome To E-Bureau
A Crime Management System
E-Bureau is an online Crime managment System which aims to helps in reducing and managing crime increasing day by day in different forms
Things We ShouldKnow
Duty Of every Citizen
Sunset in the mountains
The Coldest Sunset

In public transport If someone harasses you, don't be embarrassed. Look for help around you. If you are travelling and you lose your fare money or ticket, speak to the driver and explain. Also, Carry some identification on you to prove that you are genuine. If someone tries to Rob you, Report the crime to the police. Try to describe the attacker accurately. Your actions can help prevent others from becoming victims.

Sunset in the mountains
The Coldest Sunset

Every citizen is expected to inform the Police about the commission or likely commission of a cognizable offence. They are legally bound to follow reasonable directions given by a Police Officer/Policeman in Uniform. Sheltering of proclaimed offenders is a serious offence. The citizen is supposed to render necessary assistance to the Police in the discharge of their lawful duties. All enlightened citizens must help in maintaining a pollution free environment.

Sunset in the mountains
The Coldest Sunset

Cyber Crime Facts and Stats
There is a hacker attack every 39 seconds
95% of breached records came from only three industries in 2016
43% of cyber attacks target small business
The global average cost of a data breach is $3.9 million across SMBs
Human intelligence and comprehension is the best defense against phishing attacks
